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Her line is busy now. 她已经接听电话。

I'm sorry, she's tied up at the moment. (抱歉,她如今摆脱不掉身。 )

I'm sorry, she has company at this time. (抱歉,她已经招呼客人。 )

Would you like to hold? (您待会儿可以吗?)

He's away from his desk now.(他如今没有坐位上。 )

He's in but he's not at his desk right now. (他在企业,但如今没有坐位上。)

I'm sorry, he's not in right now.(抱歉,他出去了。 )

When is he coming back?(他何时能回家? )

He should be back in ten minutes. (他大约十分钟后回家。)

He should be back in the office next week. (他应当下星期来工作。)

He's on vacation until next week. (他假期到下星期。)

He called in sick today.(他通电话而言生病了。 )

He's out of town now. (他如今公出来到。)

He's out to lunch now. (他如今吃午饭来到。 )

He's in a meeting right now. (他如今已经汇报工作。)

He's off today. (他今日歇息。)


Could you call back later?(您能一会儿再打来吗?)

Please call me back in ten minutes. (请十分钟后再打。 )

May I take a message? (您要给他们留言板留言吗?)

I'll try again later.(一会儿我再打。 )

Can I leave a message?(能留个口信吗? )

I called but your line was busy.(我给你通电话了,但是占线。 )

Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?(请对他说林恩·杰拉德给他们打了电話。)

Please tell him to call me.(请转达他使他帮我回个电話。)

How can he get a hold of you?(他如何跟您联络呢? )


